
Goals and Functions

Since 2008, the Mainz Science Alliance has represented the breadth and quality of research and technological know-how in and around Mainz. This scientific, economic and social network was founded as a non-profit association at the beginning of June 2013. The objective was to increase networking of the universities, scientific institutions and companies in Mainz and its environs to promote research and science and to thereby strengthen Mainz as a centre of scientific activity. A further objective was to increase the national and international visibility of Mainz as an economic region. The association also has the task of initiating new projects and cooperative ventures among members of the alliance, and of providing a platform for exchange with the scientific community. 

Event Formats
Mainz Science Market
Meenzer Science-Schoppe
Mainz Science Sofa

Theme Years at WIssen im Herzen (in cooperation with the capital city of Mainz)
Every year we have a socially relevant topic with the motto "People and...".
2025 People and Learning
2024 People and Growth
2023 People and Community
2022 People and Time
2021 People and Health,
2020 People and Truth
2019 People and Mobility
2018 People and Communication
2017 People of the Environment
2016 People of Medicine
2015 People of Science in Dialogue, , ,, ,

30 members: universities, non-university research institutions and research companies from Mainz and surrounding area

Partners: The Rhineland-Palatine capital city of Mainz, the Ministry for Science and Health

Contact: MAINZER WISSENSCHAFTSALLIANZ e.V., Office, c/o Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems IMM, DE-55129 Mainz, Telephone +49 1590 6763229, wissenschaftsallianz(at),

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